

Life is a journey a pretty short one… 人生はかなり短い旅です…






My first day 「AllanのBlog 第1話」

When I was 17 years old, I went to New Zealand on an exchange programme for a year. After returning home to Costa Rica I had this dream about travelling around the world, meeting new people and seeing places I'd never seen. That year opened my mind in many ways.
After a few years in college and 10 working for the government, I left home.
It was a crazy idea to go around the world, my friends told me. But I have learned from some experiences in the past that if I want something I must go for it.


Plan 計画

I didn't know how I was going do it - train, bus, or car. I had ridden my bicycle many times in Costa Rica, and knew that people travel around the world on bicycles, besides, travelling and exercise is a really good combination, bicycle is an inexpensive and no nonpolluting mode of transport.
After saving for a few years plus one year of planning was enough to set me up.

電車、バス、車での旅はどう組み立てるのかがわからず、断念。しかし、私はコスタリカの生活の中で、自転車に乗る事が多く、人々が自転車で世界中を旅することも知っていました。さらに、旅行と運動は本当に良い組み合わせであり、自転車は安価で汚染のない輸送手段です。 数年と1年は旅の計画をするのに十分でした。

Feeling for Parents 両親への思い

I was a little scared of what my parents would think about me being away many years.
Like most Costa Rican families, mine is really close. My parents and sister were fascinated when I told them about my plans. We hugged and cried and for some reason they knew something like this was going to happen. I have always shown to the people the kind of free spirit I have.
February 1, 2013, that was the day. There was no going back. I tried to have a good sleep the night before but so many things were inside my mind. The day was perfect for riding, it was sunny and fresh day.

私は両親が私が何年も離れて旅をすることを、どう思うか少し怖かったです。 コスタリカのではほとんどの家族が、助け合い、従姉妹も家族のように近い存在で生活します。私が自分の計画について家族に話したとき、私の両親と妹は魅了されました。私たちは抱き合って泣きました、そして何らかの理由で彼らはこのようなことが起こるだろうと知っていました。私はいつも人々に私が持っているような自由な精神を示してきました。 2013年2月1日、その日にコスタリカ、私の家族から出発したのです。前の晩はぐっすり眠ろうとしましたが、頭の中にはたくさんのことがありました。出発当日は、自転車の旅には最適で、晴れて新鮮な日でした。

The Day いよいよ出発

I had my last breakfast with my family. Who knew for how long? I said goodbye to my mother at home - she didn't want to join me with the rest of my family and friends in my first kilometres of my journey. It was really hard for her to see her little boy leaving home. After some 5 km, I said goob bye to everybody. I was alone…
Fifteen kilometres later, I had a little incident. A really hard gust of wind hit me while I was going downhill really fast and I lost my balance and fell down. First day on the road and I already had my first accident! Fortunately, nothing happened to me or the bicycle.
Life is full of ups and downs. Of course, you must learn from those experiences.

私は家族と最後の朝食をとりました。この後、どのくらいの期間、私たちが再開できないのを誰が知っていたでしょう?私は家にいる母に別れを告げました。 彼女が自分の小さな息子が家を出るのを見るのは本当に大変だったと思います。
私は家から約5km離れた後、みんなにグーブバイと言いました。 私は孤独であった…



From Satomi Satomiより








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